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The Most Common Excuses
Shervin Ignacia February 21, 2020
We’ve decided to make a list with the most common excuses that people makes when it comes to starting with dancing Kizomba Urbankiz or any other dance style. In general it is common to be afraid of trying out new things in our lifetime , because it can be out of our comfort zone.
List Of Excuses:
- 1. The dance is too close.
- 2. I have never danced before so I don’t think I am able to dance.
- 3. I have no rhythm.
- 4. I’m in a relationship.
- 5. I want to dance, but I don’t have time.
- 6. I’m afraid to start any dance style.
- 7. I don’t have money.
- 8. I don’t have a dancing partner.
- 9. Kizomba is a little bit out of my comfort zone.
Let us know what do you think about the list and if we need to add more excuses.